Following in the footsteps of Wallace and Gromit, another popular Aardman character is getting ready for its big movie adventure. The Bristol-based animation studio...
Aardman Animation has secured nine new TV and DVD deals for Walker Productions and JAM Media’s preschool series Tilly and Friends.
Having been appointed distribution... streaming video service LoveFilm has signed a deal with Disney in the U.K. and Ireland to air animated shows featuring Marvel characters. U.K....
Bristol based animation powerhouse Aardman teamed up with Atlantic Records and British folk rock trio The Staves to deliver a visually stunning music promo...
Chicago's Facets Multimedia has announced that three major animation players will be hosting screenings and workshops as part of the 29th annual Chicago International...
Aardman fans, rejoice! This spring’s stop-motion animated feature The Pirates! Band of Misfits arrives on DVD and Blu-ray 3D today (Tuesday, August 28). Directed by...
Acclaimed stop-motion house Aardman Animations (Wallace and Gromit, The Pirates! Band of Misfits) have announced the creation of their own iTunes App!
The App, called...
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