Animation Is Film (AIF) has announced the lineup for the 6th edition of its animated cinema festival, featuring a slate of theatrical presentations, special...
CBeebies in the U.K. and France Télévisions have jointly commissioned a brand-new 3D animated preschool series, Big Lizard, co-produced by U.K. animation studio Beakus...
Feathering the nest for the arrival of Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget on Netflix December 15, the streamer today unveiled the official teaser trailer, key...
Oscar-winning animation studio Aardman's buzzy family comedy Lloyd of the Flies will land on U.S. and Canadian screens this summer through Tubi. The free...
Multi-award-winning independent animation studio Aardman and Sky Kids (U.K.) have launched a second, 20-episode season of stop-motion animated preschool series The Very Small Creatures....
Shout! Factory and Academy Award-winning animation studio Aardman announced today a new North American distribution agreement for the award-winning titles Shaun the Sheep, Wallace...
Immerse yourself in the world beyond the world of Wallace and Gromit like never before, in thrilling VR-O-Rama! Yes, stop-frame fans, a peek at Wallace...
Thatchers Cider unveils a new TV commercial this week, which sees the Somerset cider maker collaborate with multi-Academy Award-winning studio Aardman. Airing for the...
With its makers untethered by canonical restrictions, Lucasfilm and Disney+’s exhilarating anthology series Star Wars: Visions is back for a second season of bite-sized...
This morning, Netflix unveiled a coopload of new character posters for Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget -- the eagerly awaited sequel to Chicken Run,...
Following its Academy Award win for Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio and acquisition of Animal Logic, Netflix reveals details for nine animated films to be released...
Riding a wave of animated success from its 2022 slate, Netflix is returning to the Annecy International Animation Film Festival to debut exclusive looks at its...
Portlandia co-creator Jonathan Krisel is in talks to direct Legendary Entertainment's sequel to Pokémon Detective Pikachu, Deadline reports. Chris Galletta (The Kings of Summer) is writing the...
To mark the one-year anniversary of the war in Ukraine, Academy Award-winning animation studio Aardman and international children’s charity Save the Children have released...
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