20th Television Animation has promoted Chris Cikowski to Vice President, Animation, Deadline reports. The new veep's assignments include current Fox series Duncanville and The...
David Hudson DePatie, co-founder of the DePatie-Freleng animation studio which created the Academy Award-winning character The Pink Panther, died September 23 of natural causes...
Daily Madness and MIAM! animation have inked a co-production deal for upcoming 2D animated TV series Goat Girl, commissioned by WarnerMedia EMEA and pre-sold...
Writer and comedian Baratunde Thurston (How to Citizen with Baratunde podcast; supervising producer, The Daily Show) has aligned with ABC to develop the animated...
Ayo Davis has been named President of Disney Branded Television today by Peter Rice, Chairman Disney General Entertainment (DGE), to whom she will report....
The full back catalog of Seth MacFarlane's nine-time Emmy-winning animated primetime comedy Family Guy will have a new home on the FXX network starting...
The Television Academy held a trio of ceremonies to present the 2021 Creative Arts Emmy Awards this weekend, honoring an array of television production...
Veteran British TV animation producer Theresa Plummer-Andrews, who is best known for exec producing shows such as Bob the Builder, Postman Pan and The...
Screen Australia has announced four children’s productions will share in $3.2 million (US$2.3M) of production funding. This includes the animated projects 100% Wolf: The...
Australia's A Stark Production and Canada's WildBrain, together with Singapore's Infinite Studios, are teaming up to co-produce a fourth season of the global hit...
Universal Filmed Entertainment Group (UFEG) today announced the writers selected to participate in the newly launched 2021 Universal Animation Writers Program, a first-of-its-kind animation...
Digital Dimension Entertainment Group (DDEG), a Montreal-based company focusing on the creation and production of animated content, and winner of six Emmy Awards and...
Television and feature film screenwriter and producer Rob Edwards has written the script and is making his directorial debut with indie animated feature Sneaks....
BBC Studios and Disney announce that a third season of the multi-award winning series Bluey will premiere globally on Disney Channel, Disney Junior and...
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