Netflix unleashed the power-packed trailer for Masters of the Universe: Revelation Part Two, the thrilling conclusion to the epic animated Mattel series. The war...
The war for Eternia continues in the second part of Masters of the Universe: Revelation, an innovative and action-packed animated series that picks up...
Netflix has debuted the first images for the highly anticipated new He-Man series, Masters of the Universe: Revelation, and announced that Part 1 (5...
Mattel, Inc. and Nickelodeon today announced plans to produce a new animated series as well as a live-action television movie musical based on Monster...
Mattel has announced the upcoming launch of two all-new animated Barbie specials. Barbie & Chelsea The Lost Birthday, the first dedicated television movie featuring...
Netflix and Mattel Television are producing an all-new, reimagined animated adventure series of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. This CG project will...
Mattel Television has announced plans to create a whopping 22 animated and live-action series across multiple platforms, inspired by the toy company's established characters...
The creative team behind Disney Channel’s new movie discuss transforming the popular toon to a live-action heroine.
It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost...
Disney Channel has promoted Adam Bonnett to the newly created position of Disney Channels Worldwide exec VP of original programming. The announcement was made...
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