Oscar-winning animation studio Aardman's buzzy family comedy Lloyd of the Flies will land on U.S. and Canadian screens this summer through Tubi. The free...
Tubi announced today the second season of The Freak Brothers, its first-ever original animated series, is set to premiere this summer with the first four...
Tubi today announced that it has greenlit the adult animated series, Breaking Bear.
Created by Julien Nitzberg (The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia) and...
Tubi announced it has renewed the hit comedy, The Freak Brothers, its first-ever original animated series, for a second season, which is slated to premiere...
Tubi announced the premiere episode of its first-ever original animated series, The Freak Brothers, delivered the platform’s most-watched episode, ranking #1 in total viewing...
Tubi, a division of FOX Entertainment, announced it will exclusively premiere the massively popular Anpanman franchise from TMS Entertainment to English- and Spanish-speaking audiences.
Tubi, a division of FOX Entertainment, is continuing to expand its robust animation portfolio by entering a significant licensing agreement with Toei Animation, the...
Lauren Corrao Joins Freeform as Executive Vice President, Original Programming and Development
Corrao most recently was co-president of Tornante TV, where she developed and exec...
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