A fresh batch of executive producers have dipped their toes into the animated waters of Wild Summon, the Oscar- and BAFTA-shortlisted short film from spouses...
ViacomCBS' imminent new Paramount+ streaming service announced the season four premiere for original half-hour comedy No Activity on Thursday, April 8, with subsequent episodes...
CBS All Access has announced the fourth season renewal for its original, half-hour comedy series No Activity. The live-action show will return with a...
The Producers Guild of America has announced the motion picture and television nominations for the 30th Annual Producers Guild Awards, presented by Cadillac. The...
The UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television will honor veteran animator Emily Hubley along with six-time Academy Award-winning filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola (The...
Marvel Entertainment and Walt Disney Pictures have unveiled a new poster for the summer comic-book inspired adventure Ant-Man, due out July 17. The artwork...
Warner Bros. will be taking theater goers back to the Stone Age with a full-length animated feature adventure starring everyone's favorite caveman clan: The...
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