Warner Bros. Animation (WBA), Cartoon Network Studios (CNS), and Hanna-Barbera Studios Europe (HBSE) announced three series greenlights and previewed a slate of projects currently...
The Max Original animated series Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake has been renewed for a second season. Based on characters from Pen Ward's Emmy-winning...
The Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) has announced that SCAD AnimationFest will return to Atlanta, Georgia this September 28-30. The three-day festival...
Fans of Pendleton Ward’s Adventure Time series, which aired on Cartoon Network for 10 seasons (2010-2018), have a lot to look forward to in Adventure Time: Fionna...
The Max Original Animation panel hosted at San Diego Comic-Con today included exclusive first looks at upcoming animated series coming soon to the streaming...
The fourth and final Adventure Time: Distant Lands special, Wizard City, will premiere on HBO Max Thursday, September 2. The streamer and producer Cartoon...
HBO Max has debuted a stellar, surreal and beautifully animated introductory clip for the first of its four one-hour Adventure Time: Distant Lands specials,...
Julia Pott, the talented creator of CN’s whimsical new series, Summer Camp Island, talks about her eclectic influences and challenges.
If only all camps...
Global kids brand Cartoon Network has announced a well-plotted slate of content for the 2017-18 upfront season designed to offer fans something new every...
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