The fourth and final Adventure Time: Distant Lands special, Wizard City, will premiere on HBO Max Thursday, September 2. The streamer and producer Cartoon...
The 32nd Annual GLAAD Media Awards premiered this week on GLAAD's YouTube channel, recognizing and honoring media for fair, accurate and inclusive representations of...
The annual Kidscreen Awards ceremony was held virtually on Tuesday, hosted by actor/comedian Emma Hunter and exclusively sponsored by the Canada Media Fund. The...
HBO Max has debuted a stellar, surreal and beautifully animated introductory clip for the first of its four one-hour Adventure Time: Distant Lands specials,...
LISTEN: New Directors in Animation Podcast
U.K.-based helmer Avgousta Zoureidi (Moominvalley, Monster High, Angry Birds) speaks to colleagues about the ups and downs of animation...
HBO Max announced Wednesday at the WarnerMedia Television Critics Association day, a greenlight for a three-part animated mini-series Aquaman: King of Atlantis that will...
Netflix has added another big animation name to its already fantastic collection of creators: Adventure Time creator Pendleton Ward is working on a new...
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