Fans of the Dark Knight can celebrate the 30th anniversary of one of his most acclaimed on screen adventures when the newly-remastered animated movie...
The fully remastered The Batman: The Complete Series Blu-ray release has officially hit shelves this week, collecting all 65 episodes of Bruce Wayne's early...
The early years of the Caped Crusader get a closer examination as Warner Bros. Home Entertainment (WBHE) brings the fully-remastered The Batman: The Complete...
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment and DC are celebrating the 25th anniversary of Superman: The Animated Series with a fully remastered Blu-ray box set. Superman:...
A mysterious villain puppeteering Gotham’s most dangerous forces leads the Dark Knight into uncharted waters in Batman: Hush, the next entry in the popular...
Bruce Timm’s acclaimed Warner Bros. Animation superhero series Batman: The Animated Series, based on DC’s caped crusader, arrives in a fully loaded new home...
The much-anticipated animated The Death of Superman movie from Warner Bros. Animation released a hot trailer today. The pic, which will arrive on Blu-ray,...
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment will celebrate the 10th anniversary of its DC Universe Original Movie series July 21 at Comic-Con International: San Diego with...
DC's elite super hero squad will begin an all-new series of animated adventures next month as Justice League Action premieres on Cartoon Network with...
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