The critically acclaimed Max Original adult-animated series Creature Commandos, written and executive produced by filmmaker and DC Studios Co-Chair James Gunn, has been renewed...
Season 5 of the Max Original adult animated series Harley Quinn returns with more mayhem next month! The first episode premieres Thursday, January 16,...
Emblazoned with a freshly forged DC Studios logo and fortified with an enviable creative pedigree, Creature Commandos just charged onto the Max streaming platform...
Max has released the official trailer for the original adult animated series Creature Commandos, written and executive produced by DC Studios CEO James Gunn, during...
Warner Bros. Discovery's Max announced today that its original, adult animated series Creature Commandos will premiere on the platform Thursday, December 5. Written and executive...
An enthusiastic teenager named Eva who is raised in a high-tech underground bunker searches for other humans on an Earth overtaken by aliens. That’s...
Today, Apple TV+ revealed the trailer for the animated adventure trilogy WondLa, from Skydance Animation (Luck, Blush) and based on the New York Times...
Paramount+ debuted the official trailer and key art for Season 2of the original animated series Transformers: EarthSpark. The first nine episodes of the sophomore...
Today, Apple TV+ announced the premiere date for first installment of its highly anticipated animated adventure trilogy WondLa, hailing from Skydance Animation and based...
When we last saw Disney+’s Monsters at Work protagonist Tylor Tuskman (voiced by Ben Feldman), he was made a jokester-in-training to help the Monsters,...
Walt Disney Animation Studios’ original musical-comedy Wish will stream on Disney+ beginning April 3, welcoming subscribers to the magical kingdom of Rosas, where Asha,...
he Emmy-winning animated comedy series Monsters at Work, inspired by Disney and Pixar’s award-winning 2001 movie Monsters, Inc., returns for season two with a...
FOX’s popular Sunday night Animation Domination lineup gets a welcome addition this month, when the detective noir spoof Grimsburg settles into the regular 9:30...
The critically acclaimed Max Original adult-animated series Harley Quinn has been renewed for a fifth season.
"Harley Quinn has raised the comedic crowbar with every new season,"...
Walt Disney Animation Studios shared a new trailer, poster and images this morning for its 100th anniversary year musical-comedy Wish, which opens in U.S....
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