Peacock’s smash hit original series TED has been renewed for a second season. Following its January 11 launch, Season 1 of Seth MacFarlane's prequel series...
Disney Branded Television announced today the premiere date for the highly anticipated animated musical series Disney Jr.’s Ariel. Inspired by The Little Mermaid, the...
he Emmy-winning animated comedy series Monsters at Work, inspired by Disney and Pixar’s award-winning 2001 movie Monsters, Inc., returns for season two with a...
Following the recently released teaser, Peacock today unleashed the Bostonian-accented adult comedy beast with the official trailer for Ted -- a new live-action series starring...
A new generation of kingdom-rescuing royals is ready to make its debut on Netflix next month, with the streamer revealing the official release date,...
Today, Disney Television Animation, Disney Junior and Disney Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) took to the stage at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival to announce...
Brad Graeber, co-founder, CEO & CCO of Powerhouse Animation (Castlevania, Seis Manos, Blood of Zeus) took to Twitter this weekend to reveal the studio's...
Another 10 episodes of bingeable mayhem is heading to Hulu, with Season 2 of original stop-motion adult comedy series Crossing Swords premiering December 10....
Disney+ announced its highly anticipated animated original series Monsters at Work will now begin streaming July 7, with new episodes dropping every Wednesday. Additionally,...
Mindy Kaling has joined the cast of Disney+'s highly anticipated animated series Monsters At Work, taking on a new role in the Disney-Pixar universe...
If you like your adult animated comedies with an adorable stop-motion twist, prepare yourself for the medieval, bloody and full-frontal antics of Hulu's new...
Hulu announced their 2020 Spring preview on Friday, which included two hotly anticipated adult-animated series. Solar Opposites will premiere May 8, with Crossing Swords...
During its investor day on Thursday, The Walt Disney Company revealed the U.S. launch details for its Disney+ streaming service, and a programming lineup...
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