Hulu has OKed a 10-episode order for a new, star-studded animated comedy titled Crossing Swords, from Emmy-winning Robot Chicken exec producers John Harvatine IV...
Pixar Animation’s Golden Globe Award-winning feature Coco is coming home next month, with Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment bringing the magic of Mexican traditions...
Andrew Rannells (Elijah on HBO’s Girls) has joined the voice cast of Nickelodeon’s newest animated series Welcome to the Wayne, created by Emmy-winning writer...
A New York City apartment building holds mysteries and adventures behind every door in Nickelodeon’s newest animated series, Welcome to the Wayne, premiering July...
Disney-Pixar has revealed the character and voice talent lineup for its November 22 release Coco, featuring an all-Latino cast bringing to life a multi-generational...
Shout! Factory and Planeta Inform Film Distribution have entered a deal to distribute the animated comedy feature Quackerz in the U.S. and Canada. Shout!...
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