Global animation veterans look forward to the annual Cartoon Movie event in Bordeaux, France, as much as they anticipate the arrival of spring. This...
Cartoon Movie, the co-production and pitching event for European animated feature films, has revealed the 55 projects selected to participate in the next edition, taking...
VIEW Conference, in partnership with Baobab Studios and OGR, will next week present a virtual live screening, presentation and conversation with the filmmakers behind...
Italian animation director Alessandro Rak (Cinderella the Cat, Art of Happiness) is working on a new feature titled The Walking Liberty, per Variety. The...
The 21st Cartoon Movie, the European pitching event for animated features, was held in Bordeaux last week, welcoming about 900 participants from 40 different...
North America’s premiere genre cinema celebration Fantasia International Film Festival has announced the juried award winners of its 22nd edition, which will run through...
MONSTRA Lisbon Animation Festival returns to the Portuguese capital this week for its 18th birthday. Running March 8-18, this year’s event will pay homage...
Anima, the Brussels International Animation Festival (Feb. 24-Mar. 5, 2017 in Flagey) is gearing up for its annual spring fling. This year, the Festival...
The Annecy International Animation Festival & MIFA film market are rapidly approaching, and the details of its incredibly valuable artistic and professional programming are...
Cartoon Movie 2016 -- taking place March 2-4 in Lyon, France -- is planning to see over 700 animated feature producers, investors, distributors, sales...
This year's Cartoon Movie in France will highlight bold, new features which aren't afraid to tackle tough, non-commercial subjects.
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