An iconic animated duo is prepping for an action-packed big screen adventure in the new year, when Ketchup Entertainment brings the Warner Bros. Animation...
The 2024 World Animation Summit, the leading West Coast event for staying current with the latest trends and technologies in animation, has announced a...
HBO Max continues the animation purge begun following the costly Warner Discovery merger, which added a number of current animated series to the chopping...
WarnerMedia Kids & Family announced today the launch of ACME Night, an ultimate entertainment destination for families every Sunday starting Sept. 19 at 6...
***This article originally ran in the January ‘20 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 296)***
When animation writer and director Peter Browngardt was in junior high,...
We get the latest info on Warner Bros. Animation’s much-anticipated new Looney Tunes Cartoons, which premiered at Annecy this week.
Almost 79 years after he...
Warner Bros. Animation will be introducing spankin’ new adventures for beloved classic characters with the debut of short-form series Looney Tunes Cartoons at the...
TV animation auteur Craig McCracken chats with us about the challenges and rewards of his charming new Disney Channel show, Wander Over Yonder.
If you've...
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