One of the most-anticipated animation books of the year is Somewhere Out There: My Animated Life, a wonderful new memoir by beloved American director...
Amazon is closing in on a deal to purchase the nearly 100-year-old studio MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer), according to Wall Street Journal sources. The deal to...
One of the most exciting aspects of France’s Cartoon Movie pitching and co-pro event (, which takes place online March 9-11 this year, is...
Dragon's Lair, the classic 1980s video game franchise created by Rick Dyer and animation icon Don Bluth, is getting a live-action feature revisit by...
Animation Ireland, the representative body for the Irish animation industry, today launched its Pre-Budget Submission, a document of five key recommendations intended to garner...
We've been following the many ventures of animator, game designer and all-around talented artist Michel Gagne closely for the past few years. We are...
Marza Animation Planet, a wholly owned subsidiary of Sega Sammy Holdings Inc. in Japan, has started pre-production on its first original CG-animated feature, Robodog....
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