BBC Children’s and Education, Alphablocks Ltd. and Blue Zoo Animation Studio today announce a new educational series following the success of Numberblocks, Alphablocks and...
Multi-Academy Award and BAFTA winning independent animation studio Aardman today announced the launch of Shaun the Sheep & Friends, a brand-new TV channel available...
Alphablocks Ltd. and Blue Zoo have announced new Numberblocks YouTube channels and apps to launch in five foreign languages: Portuguese, neutral Spanish, French, German...
Following the success of the Alphablocks and Numberblocks characters, preschoolers will soon get to meet a new cast of friendly shapes in Colourblocks. Commissioned by...
'Space Jam: A New Legacy' Steals Ball Away from 'Black Widow' with $31M+ Opening
Despite less than stellar reviews and its simultaneous streaming launch on...
The British Academy Children’s Awards were held at London’s The Brewery on Sunday, December 1, crowning many worthy animated winners. Determined by BAFTA, the...
The nominees for this year’s British Academy Children's Awards which honor the very best in children's media were announced today. The Awards take place at The...
After 19 years of creating and production multi-BAFTA-winning animated TV content for kids, Blue Zoo is bolstering its position as a world-class entertainment company...
Aardman’s international Sales & Acquisitions arm has added to its portfolio with a selection of promising preschool properties ahead of MIPCOM.
The company has recently...
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