Paramount+ has launched the official trailer for Season 3 of its hit original animated comedy series Star Trek: Lower Decks. The trailer was introduced by...
Leading Latin American animation company Pinguim Content ( Fishtronaut, Earth to Luna!) announced that its award-winning children’s animated film Tarsilinha has been sold to...
ViacomCBS' Paramount+ today announced new season premiere dates and additional season pickup orders across the service’s Star Trek Universe series. Discovery got a fifth...
***This article originally appeared in the February '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 317)***
It started, appropriately, with a roll of the dice.
A group of...
***This article was written for the December '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 315)***
Growing up has always been hard to do. But getting through...
Wind Sun Sky (WSS), the production studio behind Amazon Prime Video's Invincible, and Gamefam, the world's first and only fully dedicated Roblox publisher and...
Today, Amazon Prime Video revealed the official trailer and key art for the upcoming adult animated comedy series Fairfax. All eight episodes will premiere...
***This article originally appeared in the Sept./Oct. '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 313)***
Amazon Prime Video's preschool lineup gets a big musical boost as...
The Television Academy held a trio of ceremonies to present the 2021 Creative Arts Emmy Awards this weekend, honoring an array of television production...
It's a big day for animation soundtracks, with three very different corners of the genre releasing new music videos, lyric videos and streaming tunes.
Red Rock Films, the innovative natural history production company known for Emmy-nominated films shown on National Geographic and Disney+, and National Wildlife Federation, the...
Even far from the human crush, Tolkien-esque quests across Hall H and late nights plotting a panel schedule strategy, the virtual Comic-Con@Home still kept...
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