The 2024 World Animation Summit, the leading West Coast event for staying current with the latest trends and technologies in animation, has announced a...
Today, Netflix confirmed a second season of the critically acclaimed animated series, Blue Eye Samurai, which was recently named by Vanity Fair as one of...
Whether it’s international content like Bong Joon-Ho’s Parasite and the inexhaustible popularity of anime or American productions such as Everything Everywhere All at Once...
Netflix this morning unveiled the official trailer for Blue Eye Samurai, the new adult animated epic that explores themes of identity, social stigma and vengeance...
Netflix has unsheathed a thrilling full-length trailer for its visually striking adult animated drama Blue Eye Samurai, which premieres November 3 on the streamer.
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Riding a wave of animated success from its 2022 slate, Netflix is returning to the Annecy International Animation Film Festival to debut exclusive looks at its...
Netflix has ordered animated action series Blue Eye Samurai from Michael Green and Amber Noizumi, setting an impressive voice cast including Maya Erskine, George...
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