Disney+ has put Emily Kapnek’s animated musical project Rhona Who Lives by the River into development. The Disney Branded Television series is produced by...
Acclaimed feature animation studio LAIKA is once again pushing the stop-motion envelope with its latest feat, Kubo and the Two Strings. The magic-infused epic...
Warner Bros. has announced plans to produce an animated feature take on Hanna-Barbera's classic toon Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?. Tony Cervone, whose toon town...
Creative directors Danny Yoon and Duy Nguyen and executive producer Mike Pryor have renamed their boutique vfx and post-production house -- formerly known as...
Five movies were nominated for Best Animated Feature Producers Guild Awards this morning (Jan. 2). They are:
The Croods (DreamWorks Animation)
Producers: Kristine Belson, Jane Hartwell
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