The second season of colorful CG-animated preschool series Dora will premiere on Friday, September 13, exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S., Canada, Germany, Switzerland...
Paramount+ today announced that its original animated preschool series Dora has been renewed for a second season. The iconic Latina heroine made her triumphant return...
It’s been 24 years since Nickelodeon’s clever, bilingual heroine Dora the Explorer and her best monkey-pal Boots changed the preschool animation landscape forever. Created...
Paramount+ bids bienvenidos today to Dora, the CG-animated return of preschool animation icon Dora the Explorer, with an original song and music video welcoming young viewers into...
Nickelodeon’s groundbreaking Latina heroine Dora is making her big screen animated debut with the launch of the all-new short film Dora and the Fantastical...
From the famed animation studios Production I.G (Psycho-Pass, Ghost in the Shell, Attack on Titan) and Signal.MD (Birthday Wonderland, Cyborg 009: Call of Justice)...
Crunchyroll, along with partner Aniplex of America, is bringing Sword Art Online the Movie -Progressive- Scherzo of Deep Night to theaters across Crunchyroll’s English-speaking...
Voiceover booths have been abuzz with excitement over the much anticipated English SimulDub release of Attack on Titan Final Season Part 2, which is...
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