Netflix will return to the Annecy International Animated Film Festival with an packed agenda featuring a variety of films and series, off the back of...
Season 7 of Netflix adult comedy toon Big Mouth is just around the corner, and the just-released date announcement teaser is promising the sexiest star-studded...
Netflix's Emmy-winning adult animated comedy Big Mouth returns for a sixth season probing the terrifying depths of adolescence on October 28, and there are some new...
Netflix announced today that Season 6 of Big Mouth, the fan beloved, critically-acclaimed and Emmy-winning adult animated comedy about the glorious nightmare that is...
Netflix today announced a three-year renewal of its content deal with Brutus Pink, the acclaimed animation production company from Nick Kroll, Andrew Goldberg, Mark...
***This interview originally appeared in the April '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 319)***
Fans of clever, adult-targeting animation will get a new addition to...
Grown-up problems require professional solutions from highly professional creatures — unfortunately, humanity is stuck with the Hormone Monsters, Lovebugs and Logic Rocks of Human...
Netflix today issued an office-wide memo regarding new hires and the first staff meeting (a.k.a. series premiere) as well as first-look images for Human...
***This article originally appeared in the Sept./Oct. '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 313)***
Can a super-queer crime-fighting team save the world from prejudice, discrimination...
Hear from broadcast and streaming animation luminaries in Animag's latest exclusive roundtable, available to watch now for free.
Animation Magazine's 2021 Emmy Nominees Panel is...
ASIFA-Hollywood's 48th Annual Annie Awards, honoring overall excellence as well as individual achievement in animation across 36 categories, were held tonight as a live...
This morning, ASIFA-Hollywood announced the nominations for its 48th Annual Annie Awards, recognizing the year’s best in the field of animation across 36 categories.
The creators of Emmy-nominated coming-of-age hit Big Mouth are ready to explore a different kind of performance evaluation in Human Resources -- a new...
The official trailer for the new growth spurt of Netflix’s Big Mouth has arrived, rife with pubescent awkwardness, anthropomorphic genitals ... and a guest...
Netflix has unzipped first-look artwork and a new teaser poster for Season 3 of raunchy coming-of-age animated comedy Big Mouth, promising “equal parts shock...
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