The Spark Computer Graphics Society (Spark CG), a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and fostering the computer graphics industry, has announced the in-person program...
Acclaimed web portal The Animation Showcase has revealed its lineup of top short films included in this year’s Best Animated Short Film Collection. The...
The 25th Bucheon International Animation Festival (BIAF) announced the selection of 81 animated short films (38 international shorts, 13 graduation films, 11 TV/commissioned projects...
Passion Pictures today announces a new partnership with Paris-based animation outfit Circus Studios. The partnership will allow the two studios to continue their successful...
Meredith Roberts has been promoted to Executive Vice President, TV Animation, Disney Branded Television, recognizing her outstanding creative and operational oversight of the Disney...
Passion Pictures has hired Pixar veteran David Park as Head of Production for Long Form Animation, tasked with spearheading a dynamic expansion of Passion’s...
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