FXX will offer late-night viewers a taste of adventurous animated and live-action shorts with a new half-hour anthology series, Cake, launching in September. FX...
Hulu is looking to step up its adult-targeted toon offerings, having signed a first-look deal with Nick Weidenfeld, to develop and executive produce new...
A new half-hour animated comedy based on the quarter-hour Golan the Insatiable installments on Animation Domination High-Def will premiere on Fox on Sunday, May...
Fox has revealed season and series premiere dates for January 2014, including launches for new Animation Domination High-Def (ADHD) toons Lucas Bros. Moving Co....
Fox's Saturday night animation block Animation Domination High-Def is on aboard a new series by up-and-coming Los Angeles comic Amber Tozer, called The Tozer...
Deadline has uncovered that Fox TV's so-called Animation Domination has been further diminished by a decision to scrap the intended fall newcomer Murder Police...
Fox is making a big promotional push for its upcoming Animation Domination High-Def (ADHD) block at next week's Comic-Con, per The Hollywood Reporter. The...
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