Crunchyroll held its Industry Panel at Anime Expo 2024 this weekend. During the panel, the anime destination announced acquisitions and premiered trailers of highly...
During Anime Expo 2024 this weekend, Warner Bros. Japan offered up a first look at the upcoming cel-shaded CG feature Batman Ninja vs. Yakuza League....
Toho International will be releasing My Hero Academia: You're Next — the latest feature film installment in the global hit anime and manga franchise —...
The English-langauge voice cast for the upcoming animated series Uzumaki, Adult Swim’s adaptation of Junji Ito’s supernatural horror manga, was announced at Anime Expo....
From Anime Expo 2024, Iconic Events Releasing in partnership with AMC Networks’ HIDIVE revealed plans for a 30th anniversary theatrical release of the critically...
At Anime Expo 2024 in Los Angeles, Arc System Works America, Inc., in partnership with Sanzigen Studios, revealed the synopsis, main cast and teaser...
Arc System Works America, Inc., in partnership with Sanzigen Studios in Japan (Sakura Wars the Animation, BanG Dream! franchise, Initial D Legend films), announced...
HIDIVE, AMC Networks' dedicated anime streaming platform, announced two additions to its summer lineup this week: the romcom/drama 2.5 Dimensional Seduction and fantasy comedy-adventure Dungeon People.
Today, Crunchyroll is announcing its Anime Expo lineup, alongside new film and series acquisitions. From July 4-7, Crunchyroll returns to AX in Los Angeles...
Warner Bros. Japan LLC has announced that production is currently
underway on Batman Ninja vs. Yakuza League, the sequel to the original anime film Batman...
TMS Entertainment has announced the English voice cast for Undead Unluck, a Hulu original anime, ahead of its dub release on December 13. The characters...
Iconic Events Releasing, a company specializing in distributing special engagement theatrical events, highlights one of anime’s most poignant and critically acclaimed films with a...
After premiering the highly-anticipated 1,000th English dubbed episode of the iconic anime series One Piece at Anime Expo 2023 with Toei Animation, Crunchyroll hoisted...
Anime streaming service HIDIVE presented fans with a bevy of announcements during its Anime Expo Industry Panel this weekend.
Hosts Star Butler and Jacki Jing...
Returning to Anime Expo, North America's biggest Japanese pop culture fan event, Netflix showcased their diverse slate of upcoming anime and manga-inspire shows.
The ‘From...
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