Romantic comedy anime series Tonikawa: Over the Moon for You, a Seven Arcs production, arrives in select North American e-commerce stores this fall from...
Cyberpunk anime series Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045, from Production I.G (Haikyu!!, Attack on Titan) and Sola Digital Arts (Ultraman), makes its North American...
Anime Limited, licensee of BigWest Co., Ltd., in partnership with Crunchyroll, announced plans for the release of the Macross Plus Ultimate Edition, bringing this...
The International Animation Film Market (Mifa), held each year as the business side of the esteemed Annecy Festival for animated film, has announced the...
Shout! Factory, a multi-platform media company, and Anime Limited, the esteemed U.K. distributor of animation, have announced a North American home entertainment distribution deal...
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