Anime NYC powered by Crunchyroll, New York’s largest dedicated anime, manga, and Japanese pop culture convention, will present three days of entertaining and educational...
Top anime brand Crunchyroll has announced an exciting program highlight for this month’s Crunchyroll Expo. The Wonderland, an upcoming fantasy feature from Eleven Arts,...
Anime NYC, backed by Crunchyroll and SUNRISE, will welcome Mobile Suit Gundam creator and director Yoshiyuki Tomino to the 2019 event as an Official...
I Want to Eat Your Pancreas
Directed by Shin'ichirō Ushijima
Aniplex, ABC Animation, Fathom Studios
Based on a light novel by Yoru Sumino that has already been...
Persona 4: The Animation - Complete Collection
Aniplex/Sentai: $79.98, Blu-ray (4 discs)
Persona 4 is a welcome rarity: An animated series based on a computer game...
The Japan Academy announced its five nominations for Best Animated feature last week. The nominees are:
• The Wind Rises (Directed by Hayao Miyazaki) Studio...
Earler this month, San Francisco anime powerhouse VIZ Media expanded its 24/7 content platform Neon Alley by making it available through Xbox 360 as...
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