The producers behind the upcoming animated fantasy Fairyheart announce that the Council of Europe co-production fund Eurimages has elected to support the film with...
Telefilm Canada has announced a $4.8 million commitment to fund five big-budget projects for the English-speaking market under its Production Program. This second round...
Creating an opportunity for animation film enthusiasts everywhere, the four-time Academy Award-nominated animation studio Cartoon Saloon, announced the launch today of a new e-commerce...
The multi-day celebration of the platform-spanning 6th Canadian Screen Awards came to a close Sunday night, with the reveal of the major feature film...
Humanitas, the nonprofit org dedicated to supporting writers, has announced the list of the 2017 Humanitas Prize award nominees. The award is given to...
Director Nora Twomey discusses the making of Cartoon Saloon’s powerful and beautifully animated feature The Breadwinner.
In the past few decades, animation fans have been...
A first round of film programming picks for the 2017 Toronto International Film Festival was announced during a live-streamed press conference Tuesday, with Cartoon...
Canada’s Aircraft Pictures, Ireland’s Cartoon Saloon and Luxembourg’s Melusine Productions in association with Angelina Jolie Pitt’s Jolie Pas Productions have begun key animation on...
Angelina Jolie Pitt and her Jolie Pas Productions have teamed up with Aircraft Pictures (Toronto), Cartoon Saloon (Ireland) and Melusine Productions (Luxembourg) to executive...
Aircraft Pictures and Cartoon Saloon have teamed up to co-produce the award-winning novel The Breadwinner, written by Deborah Ellis, as an animated feature film.
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