Bringing a fresh wave of anime-influenced energy to the Canadian talent pool, Studio Unagi has launched as Montreal, Quebec's latest independent animation player. Founded...
The 2024 International Animation Film Market (MIFA) has announced its official program running June 11-14 alongside the Annecy Festival. This year, the Market opens...
Following deliberation over 144 submitted projects by the Selection Committee, Cartoon Movie 2022 has slated 57 animated feature projects to participate in the spring...
Julien Papelier, Managing Director of the Audiovisual Unit of Média-Participations, has appointed kids' animation pro Caroline Audebert as Managing Director of the French production...
Annecy 2021 today announces its Work in Progress (WIP) projects, including nine of the world's most inspiring feature films heading to screens in the...
Fan-favorite French animated series Wakfu, from Roubaix-based animation and games studio Ankama, launched a Kickstarter campaign Monday, June 8 to produce an explosive fourth...
Independent transmedia outfit Ankama (Dofus, Wakfu) announces a new kids’ distribution brand: Planet Nemo by Ankama, dedicated to the international sales of Ankama and...
French entertainment indie Ankama -- which creates, publishes and distributes games, animation and manga including the popular Dofus and Wakfu properties -- has appointed...
The International Animated Film Society, ASIFA-Hollywood, announced nominations today for its 46th Annual Annie Awards, recognizing the year’s best in the field of animation....
Animation producer-distributor has revealed the official English-language trailer and the badass voice cast for its US release of adult-targeted French graphic novel adaptation MFKZ...
The French animated movie Dofus Book I: Julith will premiere online exclusively streaming service VRV this Thursday (November 23). The service will also offer...
Taking place June 13-18, the Annecy International Animation Film Festival (accompanied by the MIFA market, June 15-17) will once again offer the very best...
French trans-media entertainment group Ankama unveils its latest IP, Abraca, which will bring a humorous, zany world of fairy tales to audiences via a...
Toasting women in animation, Spanish flair and MIFA’s 30th anniversary.
This month, over 7,000 creatives, professionals and other luminaries of the global animation industry will...
Montreal-based Sardine Productions has signed a deal with Teletoon to produce 40 11-minute episodes of the original series Toonmart Marty. Created by Robin Balzano,...
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