The post-acquisition restructuring of DreamWorks Animation continues, with the news breaking Tuesday via Deadline that Warner Bros. animation exec Chris deFaria is stepping in...
NBCUniversal's acquisition of DreamWorks Animation has been finalized, folding the studio into the Universal Filmed Entertainment Group -- joining Universal Pictures, Fandango and NBCU...
Michael Francis, chief global brand officer for DreamWorks Animation, is resigning from his full-time position in December and transitioning into a consulting role. When...
DreamWorks Animation announced the hiring of longtime Nickelodeon Marjorie Cohn as head of its TV division. The 26-year Nick veteran will oversee the development...
DreamWorks Animation is welcoming Michael Francis into the fold in the newly created role of chief global brand officer, according to The Hollywood Reporter....
According to a recent regulatory filing, DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg’s compensation for 2011 dropped to $4 million (from $6.7 million in 2010). The...
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