As in real life, many of the kids featured in director Loïc Espuche’s Oscar-shortlisted and Annie-nominated short Yuck! (Beurk!) believe that a kiss between...
The next Annecy International Animation Film Festival will take place from June 8-14, 2025, and will pay tribute to Hungarian animation. The event will...
L’Alliance New York announces the programs for the eighth edition of Animation First. Created in 2018, the event has grown into the largest animation...
The massively popular 2024 edition of the Annecy Intl Festival of Animation came to its exciting conclusion on Saturday with the announcement of the...
International anime destination Crunchyroll will be attending the Annecy International Animation Film Festival from June 11 to 14 in France. The distributor is bringing...
International sales agent Incredible Film today unveils the brand-new, English-language trailer for the children's animated feature Tummy Tom and the Lost Teddy Bear (60’),...
The 2024 International Animation Film Market (MIFA) has announced its official program running June 11-14 alongside the Annecy Festival. This year, the Market opens...
Writer-director Wojtek Wawszczyk's animated feature Diplodocus is among the many long-anticipated international titles screening at the Annecy Intl. Animation Festival in June. The movie, which...
Netflix will return to the Annecy International Animated Film Festival with an packed agenda featuring a variety of films and series, off the back of...
Today, in honor of International Women's Day, WIA (Women in Animation) is announces their first official collaboration with partner United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural...
Despite being in the middle of shooting his next film, The Phoenician Scheme, eight-time Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Wes Anderson (The Grand Budapest Hotel, The French Dispatch) has...
Following its market premiere at the European Film Market (EFM) on February 17, the CG-animated adaptation Dragonkeeper will bow on the festival circuit as...
Estonian director Priit Tender’s animated short Dog Apartment is one of 15 titles that landed on the Academy Awards’ Best Animated Short shortlist this...
One of the best reviewed and charming animated movies of the year follows the beautiful friendship between an anthropomorphic New York City pooch and...
Animation Is Film (AIF) has announced the lineup for the 6th edition of its animated cinema festival, featuring a slate of theatrical presentations, special...
It’s been 25 years since veteran animation producer Clint Eland founded the acclaimed studio Mercury Filmworks in Canada. The studio, which was born during...
The seventh annual WIA World Summit at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival proved to be a resounding success last week. The day-long symposium...
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