Netflix and DreamWorks Animation have shone new light on the upcoming animated feature Orion and the Dark, debuting the official trailer and announcing the voice...
Nickelodeon, Paramount+ and The Pinkfong Company today released the official trailer and key art for Baby Shark's Big Movie, the first-ever feature-length original animated movie...
Apple TV+ today announced its holiday lineup of all-new kids and family programming, featuring the debut of the Apple Original special The Velveteen Rabbit,...
Nickelodeon, Paramount+ and The Pinkfong Company today announced the celebrity voice cast for Baby Shark's Big Movie! and revealed new teaser art for the preschool...
Apple today announced the stellar spring lineup of all-new original series, specials and returning fan favorites for kids and families heading to its Apple...
***This article originally appeared in the Sept./Oct. '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 323)***
The wonderfully talented and hilarious sisters Wendy Molyneux and Lizzie Molyneux-Logelin...
ABC, Disney Branded Television, Disney Television Animation, Disney Television Studios, Disney+, FX and Hulu are ready to take over the San Diego Comic-Con convention...
Acclaimed animated preschool series Mira, Royal Detective will culminate with four extended-length specials that celebrate Bollywood music and dancing, while also familiarizing young viewers...
Today, Comedy Central announced the premiere date for the new series Fairview, a weekly, hyper-topical, eight episode series that will follow South Park on...
Apple TV+ today announced that Central Park, the critically acclaimed, hit animated musical comedy series, will return with eight all-new episodes on Friday, March...
Comedy Central, in partnership with CBS Studios, announced today the robust cast list for their newest adult animation projects, as well as two panels...
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