AMC has announced the complete cast for its upcoming series Pantheon, the network's first-ever animated primetime drama, following the early lead voices announcement a...
Studio 100 Film and Kool Produktion AS are toasting the success of their recently completed animated feature, Ella Bella Bingo. The Norwegian production enjoyed...
Studio 100 Film and Kool Produktion have announced the international voice stars for the upcoming theatrical feature Ella Bella Bingo. Leading the cast are...
Fox TV's Saturday late-night animation block, Animation Domination High-Def, is coming back with all-new episodes of Axe Cop and High School USA! On Saturday,...
Southern California studio Shade VFX has announced the company has relocated to a new facility at Santa Monica's Bergamot Station, doubling the available space...
Method Studios, a Deluxe Entertainment Services Group company, has announced that industry veteran Christian Kubsch has joined the studio as president. Kubsch will oversee...
Four animated features received nominations for ACE Eddie Awards. The honors, which are given by the American Society of Editors, are slated for February...
Three animated features received BAFTA nominations today. The three titles up for the Best Animated Feature of 2012 are:
• Disney/Pixar’s Brave (directed by Mark...
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