One of the highlights of this past week’s Cartoon Movie event in Bordeaux, France was director Ari Folman’s engrossing presentation of his upcoming animated...
The Cartoon Movie animated features pitching and co-pro event has announced the finalists for Cartoon Tributes 2019. The awards honor outstanding contribution to the...
Production has begun on Ari Folman’s much-anticipated upcoming feature Where Is Anne Frank. The Israeli director, whose previous efforts Waltz with Bashir (2008) and...
Paris-based financier/co-production company Backup Films has taken on historical-fiction animated feature Where Is Anne Frank from award-winning director of The Congress and Waltz with...
The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences has extended membership invitations to 683 distinguished filmmakers, artists and executives “who represent the best in...
The pre-holiday home entertainment onslaught offers a number of eclectic options for animation and vfx enthusiasts this week. Topping our lists are sci-fi hybrid...
StudioCanal has released a new clip for Ari Folman's hybrid feature The Congress, titled "Entering the Animation Zone." The latest from the acclaimed director...
After dealing with the war in Lebanon and digital actors, well-regarded Israeli filmmaker Ari Folman is going to work on animated movie about life and...
Israeli filmmaker Ari Folman's acclaimed animation/hybrid feature The Congress picked up the Best Animated Feature prize at this weekend's European Film Awards. Accepting the...
Hayao Miyazaki's acclaimed 11th and final film The Wind Rises will makes its Los Angeles premiere at the American Film Institute's Festival on November...
The European Film Academy has announced the three nominees in the 2013 European Film Awards’ Best Animated Feature Film category. They are:
• The Congress...
Drafthouse Films and Films We Like have co-acquired North American rights to Ari Folman's much-anticipated The Congress, starring Robin Wright, Harvey Keitel, Jon Hamm...
Oscar-nominated director Ari Folman’s new pic The Congress opens the 45th Director’s Fortnight sidebar during the Cannes Film Festival on May 16.
The sci-fi movie...
Annie-nominated director Ari Folman’s new pic The Congress will open the 45th Director’s Fortnight sidebar during the Cannes Film Festival on May 16.
The sci-fi...
How the French government is bolstering international animated co-productions, plus a whirlwind tour of top toon houses.
As a country renowned for its artistic temperament,...
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