The 2024 International Animation Film Market (MIFA) has announced its official program running June 11-14 alongside the Annecy Festival. This year, the Market opens...
Winners for The 25th Annual Webby Awards were announced on Tuesday, May 18, culminating with an online celebration hosted by actress, advocate and host...
Publisher and co-producer ARTE, with co-producers AtlasV, 3DAR, Ryot and HTC Vive Originals, are happy to announce that Gloomy Eyes, a VR animation movie...
Paris-based publisher and co-producer ARTE, along with French co-producer Atlas V, writers and directors Fernando Maldonado and Jorge Tereso (3DAR) and co-writer Santiago Amigorena,...
***This article originally appeared in the December ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 295)***
About eight years ago, when Theodore Ushev started to read Bulgarian...
Saturday night's well-attended awards ceremony wrapped up the hugely successful 2019 edition of the Annecy Intl. Animation Festival and MIFA market. Jeremy Clapin's I...
The 2019 Annecy Festival (June 10-15) has revealed the virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality and 360° film projects which will be fully submerging...
Anima, the Brussels International Animation Film Festival, will feature for the first time a competition dedicated to animated virtual reality films. The 2019 edition...
***This article originally appeared in the Sept./Oct. ‘18 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 283)***
“Surreal” is not a typical descriptor for stop-motion animated shorts, but...
Brittany-based French prodco Vivement Lundi! is jazzing up its 20th anniversary celebrations with a strong showing of its recent projects coming to two of...
France’s biggest national cinema celebration, the César Awards, took place Friday night in Paris. While Paul Verhoeven’s awards season darling Elle took the coveted...
The National Film Board of Canada is providing some animated garnish to the largely live-action offerings at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival (Sept....
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