As the third edition of the Pan-African Animation du Monde pitching competition at DISCOP Abidjan draws near, African Animation Network and its partners announce...
Paris-based Xilam Animation is boosting its reach in Latin America through a significant package deal with TC Ecuador. The Ecuadorian public broadcaster has picked...
The African Animation Network (AAN) announces the launch of its third annual regional preliminary competitions for the Annecy - MIFA Pitches Animation du Monde....
Urban Distribution International (UDI) has snagged the international rights to family flick Slocum, the latest feature project from acclaimed French animator Jean-François Laguionie (OIAF...
Members of the various competition juries for the 2018 Annecy International Festival of Animated Film (June 11-16) have been revealed. Those taking on the...
The 20th edition of Cartoon Movie, the annual European feature animation industry event, held in Bordeaux, France came to a close today (March 9th) with...
This year’s César Award nominees are a clear indication that French artists and studios continue to deliver thought-provoking, artistic feature and shorts. The 43rd...
The European Film Academy announced this week the four nominees for the European Animated Feature Film 2017 Award. The contenders represent the diversity of...
Xilam, an award-winning animation company based in France, has announced the licensing of more than 230 episodes of children's content to Italian TV network...
Among the many intriguing screenings and informational sessions planned for this year's Annecy animation festival and MIFA market (June 12-17;, some of the...
Variety’s 2017 10 Animators to Watch
Congratulations to these amazing artists! This year’s list: Arthur de Pins, Megan Nicole Dong, Dorota Kobiela, Kirsten Lepore, Kira...
With the revelation of the 2017 official selection, it came to light that this year’s Annecy Festival has double booked the highly anticipated family...
Premiere European pitching event for animated features Cartoon Movie took place last week in its new host burg of Bordeaux, France, welcoming 850 participants...
Anima, the Brussels International Animation Festival (Feb. 24-Mar. 5, 2017 in Flagey) is gearing up for its annual spring fling. This year, the Festival...
Taking place June 13-18, the Annecy International Animation Film Festival (accompanied by the MIFA market, June 15-17) will once again offer the very best...
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