The anime-inspired series Gabriel and the Guardians has officially unveiled its first trailer at the Asia TV Forum & Market. Fans can now experience...
Winners of the ATF Animation, Chinese and Formats Pitches were announced Friday after a series of exciting on-stage pitches, where finalists presented their ideas...
Winsing, a Top Three Chinese animation company for over 15 years, will be promoting a wide range of properties to potential broadcast partners across...
The 19th edition of Asia TV Forum & Market (ATF) and 8th ScreenSingapore, Asia’s leading entertainment content market and conference, ended on a strong...
Short Animation Explores Racial Oppression
Neely Goniodsky’s Behind the Bars, based on a poem by Edward Smyth Jones, delves into themes of prejudice and the...
The 2016 editions of Asia TV Forum & Market (the 17th ATF) and ScreenSingapore (6th edition) culminated last Friday, having attracted a record-breaking 5,383...
David Michel's Cottonwood Media will be bringing two animated series based on Random House publishing properties to the Asia TV Forum & Market (ATF),...
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