Several years after announcing its star-studded menagerie of voice actors, Unified Pictures' The Ark and the Aardvark has kicked off production with newly announced partner...
Today, Prime Video announced it has ordered animated comedy Kevin to series. The project is executive produced and written by Aubrey Plaza (Little Demon,...
Legendary Entertainment's hybrid comedy Animal Friends has signed on Ellie Bamber (Willow, The Serpent) to the cast. The project is billed as an R-rated...
When we last saw Disney+’s Monsters at Work protagonist Tylor Tuskman (voiced by Ben Feldman), he was made a jokester-in-training to help the Monsters,...
he Emmy-winning animated comedy series Monsters at Work, inspired by Disney and Pixar’s award-winning 2001 movie Monsters, Inc., returns for season two with a...
Netflix has released the opening credits sequence for its upcoming anime series Scott Pilgrim Takes Off (8 x 25'), featuring custom animation by Science...
Prepare to re-enter Springfield ... If you dare! The Simpsons Season 34 will bring its unprecedented double-dose of "Treehouse of Horror" episodes to streaming on...
Legendary Pictures (Godzilla vs. Kong, Detective Pikachu) is planning a new live-action/animation creature feature with Animal Friends. Described as an "R-rated road trip adventure," the...
Today, Netflix and UCP (a division of Universal Studios Group) confirmed an all-new anime series based on Scott Pilgrim (official title to be announced),...
ABC, Disney Branded Television, Disney Television Animation, Disney Television Studios, Disney+, FX and Hulu are ready to take over the San Diego Comic-Con convention...
Shout! Factory is giving more fan-favorite anime features the SteelBook treatment at summer's end. In partnership with GKIDS, the upcoming enhanced releases include Perfect...
This summer, FOX's growing animation lineup extends to Mondays with the series premiere of all-new pet paws-itive comedy Housebroken on May 31 (9:00-9:30 p.m....
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