In a recent episode of The Official Marvel Podcast, Marvel Studios' Head of Streaming, Television and Animation Brad Winderbaum offered some hints about the...
Pete Candeland, the animation director behind the Gorillaz music videos and The Beatles: Rock Band video game cinematic, is collaborating with screenwriters Patrick Melton...
***This article originally appeared in the January '23 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 326)***
Charles Dickens’ 1843 novella A Christmas Carol is by far one...
The official trailer has dropped for Netflix's animated update on a holiday classic, Scrooge: A Christmas Carol, which promises to transport family audiences to...
***This feature originally appeared in the December '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 325)***
Which animated features are going for Oscar gold on March 13,...
8/30/22 Updated to include Scrooge release date.
As the days grow shorter, our list of must-see animation grows ever longer as Netflix has unveiled updates...
Ahead of the 61st annual Annecy International Animation Film Festival next week, Netflix has announced a slate of new animated films and series from...
***This article was written for the 35th Anniversary issue of Animation Magazine (June/July '22, No. 321)***
The third season of Netflix’s multiple-Emmy-winning series Love, Death...
Ahead of the highly anticipated season premier this Friday, May 20, Netflix Animation dropped a full episode sneak-peek of Love, Death + Robots Volume 3...
The critically acclaimed, audience celebrated adult animation anthology Love, Death + Robots is returning to Netflix with nine visually stunning sci-fi/horrror shorts this month. In the...
Multi-award-winning Glasgow animation and VFX shop Axis Studios has offered fans and fellow artists insight into how its team broke convention to create the...
Glasgow-based Axis Studios is behind the new viral trailer for popular trading card game Magic: The Gathering -- a piece of cinematic animation which...
Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Immersive Media April 30 - May 3, 2019, Stuttgart/Germany, Haus der Wirtschaft Ludwigsburg/Germany, January 18, 2019.
FMX is building...
UK-based axisVFX, the visual effects arm of Axis Studios and creator of high-end CG imagery for television and film projects, has delivered 1,350 shots...
Axis Studios’ visual effects are axisVFX has helped bring an imaginative new SyFy series to life, delivering 900 shots across eight episodes of Happy!...
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