TMS Entertainment announces that the highly anticipated third season of the animated series Bananya, titled Bananya Around the World will premiere on Crunchyroll in...
A third sinister trailer for the humans vs. dragons anime showdown Ragna Crimson was released today, timed with the news that the dark fantasy series...
Ragna Crimson, the dark fantasy anime telling the story of the epic battle between humanity and dragonkind, will have its Japanese broadcast premiere on...
From Telecom Animation Film (Lupin III movies, Orange) and director Masaki Tachibana (Tokyo Magnitude 8.0, Princess Principal, Barakamon) comes a new anime adventure, Blue...
Los Angeles based film distribution and production company, Eleven Arts, announced their acquisition of North American distribution rights for the anime feature film Blue...
The original feature debut of writer/director Atsuko Ishizuka, Goodbye, Don Glees! is making its way to Blu-ray + DVD combo (December 27) and digital release...
While Netflix treated fans to a new featurette for Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio during the stateside TUDUM this weekend, the mirror fan event in Japan unveiled...
GKIDS announced today it will bring Goodbye, Don Glees! to cinemas nationwide this September. Produced by the acclaimed studio Madhouse, the film is the first...
Acclaimed animation producer-distributor GKIDS has acquired the North American distribution rights for Goodbye, Don Glees! Produced by the hitmaker studio Madhouse, the film is...
Global anime streamer Crunchyroll shared a huge slate of new content at today's Crunchyroll Industry Panel at Anime Expo Lite, including Battle Game in...
Toei Animation Inc. has announced the eagerly awaited second season of World Trigger will stream on the leading platforms Crunchyroll and Anime Digital Network...
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