Animation veteran Delna Bhesania has joined Montreal-based Rezolution Pictures as head of its newly launched animation division. The news was announced today by Rezolution...
Spark Computer Graphics Society (Spark CG) is again attracting top talent to Vancouver for SPARK ANIMATION 2018 -- a celebration of innovation and inspiration...
International animation and multimedia content production company Rainbow has named Rick Mischel as the new CEO of its subsidiary Bardel Entertainment. Mischel is a...
Canada’s award-winning animation and digital media studio Bardel Entertainment, Inc. has entered into a non-exclusive partnership with L.A.-based, Emmy-nominated toon vet Frank Saperstein and...
Toronto-based City today announced start of production on Mother Up!, a 13-episode, half-hour adult animated comedy series starring Eva Longoria (Desperate Housewives), who also...
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