Warner Bros. Pictures Animation has officially set the release of DC Studios' animated Batman-verse movie Dynamic Duo, spotlighting the origins of two Robins: Dick Grayson (later...
Tim Burton’s long-anticipated sequel to his rollicking 1988 spookfest Beetlejuice has been one of the sweet box-office success stories of the year. The movie,...
Appropriate to the animation origins of lead character Harley Quinn, who first appeared in Bruce Timm's Batman: The Animated Series, the new DC drama Joker: Folie...
Evoking noir nostalgia and a blue-collar bravado that feels both modern and vintage, executive producer Bruce Timm and Warner Bros.’ new hardboiled animated series,...
During Anime Expo 2024 this weekend, Warner Bros. Japan offered up a first look at the upcoming cel-shaded CG feature Batman Ninja vs. Yakuza League....
Today, Prime Video released the official trailer for the highly anticipated new animated series from Warner Bros. Animation, Bad Robot Productions and 6th &...
Following up on last month's first-look reveal, Prime Video has announced the voice cast for its upcoming adult animated series Batman: Caped Crusader. Set...
Arleen Sorkin, known to animation and DC fans as the original voice and inspiration for fan-favorite character Harley Quinn, died Thursday, August 24 at...
As part of the yearlong celebration for the 100th anniversary of Warner Bros. Studios, Warner Bros. Discovery Global Brands, Franchises and Experiences (WBDGBFE) has...
Amazon is bringing another adult-targeted comic-book adaptation to Prime Video — this time venturing into the world of the supernatural vs. the super-heroic. The...
Actor Kevin Conroy, prolific fan-favorite voice of DC's Batman in the animated universe, died Thursday at age 66 after a short battle with cancer.
***This article originally appeared in the November '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 324)***
You’d be hard-pressed to find a more iconic comic character than Batman. Whether...
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