Warner Bros. Home Entertainment will host a virtual panel – an in-depth discussion amongst filmmakers and voice actors, including actor Joel McHale and Mortal...
Warner Bros. Animation has revealed a new movie project inspired by the iconic Mortal Kombat arcade, film, TV and comics series. Titled Mortal Kombat...
Warner Bros. Animation and DC Entertainment have announced that two titans of TV history unite in the upcoming Batman vs. Two-Face from Warner Bros....
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment is continuing its tradition of WonderCon debuts with the exclusive world premiere of upcoming DC Universe Original Movie Teen Titans:...
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment has at last released the all-new campy cartoon adventure of the Dynamic Duo, Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders (available...
VIDEO: Julie Newmar Talks Catwoman Role in ‘Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders’
Hear what the iconic actress has to say about reprising her role,...
Fathom Events is once again teaming up with Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment for a one-day-only screening event for WB Animation's Batman: Return of...
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment and DC Entertainment have unmasked the official trailer for upcoming animated feature Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders. The campy...
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