Warner Bros. Animation has unleashed more information about the new DC Universe Animation Original Movie, Superman: Unbound. Set for a May 7 DVD and Blu-ray...
Warner Bros. Animation takes the old Teen Titans characters in a totally new direction in the upcoming Cartoon Network series.
It’s a well-known fact that...
White Collar star Matt Bomer will be voicing the Man of Steel in Warner Bros. Animation’s upcoming animated DVD/Blu-ray/On Demand movie Superman: Unbound. TV...
Turner Broadcasting System Asia Pacific will launch its Toonami action/anime channel and Cartoonito preschool network across Southeast Asia in early 2013. Turner will continue to...
Shout Factory and Hasbro Studios will release G.I. Joe: Renegades: The Complete First Season on September 25. The first season features 26 episodes and...
DC Comics’ evergreen hero faces new villains and unforeseen challenges in Warner Bros. Animation’s hot new Green Lantern: The Animated Series.
Since the late 1950s,...
Cartoon Network premieres a new, high-energy take on the hugely popular show ThunderCats, produced by Warner Bros. Animation and Studio 4°C.
Mention the names Lion-O,...
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