Shooting Script Films and BAFTA-winning animation studio King Rollo Films launched a cheerful, animated short-form web series Streetcat Bob, inspired by the true life...
Entertainment One has awarded the broadcast rights to its BAFTA and Emmy-winning preschool animation series Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom to Russia's Carousel. Additionally,...
Nickelodeon is planning a holly-jolly holiday line-up of hit live-action, animation and preschool series, kicking off Saturday, November 28 for a month-long bonanza of...
Entertainment One Family (eOne) has secured major broadcast agreements around the world for over 100 hours of kids' programming from its catalog, which includes...
+ kaboom! Entertainment has three animated properties set for a Halloween DVD retail launch. The properties are: Daddy I'm a Zombie, a feature-length animation...
Here's the word on three of the most-recent animated series sales from around the globe:
• Coolabi has secured a terrestrial broadcast deal for Poppy...
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