Fans of Walt Disney Television Animation should save room on their Comic-Con International schedules for some can’t-miss panels featuring cast, creators and crew giving...
Cowabunga! Nickelodeon is bringing some of its most popular animated characters and classic brands to fans at the Comic-Con International in San Diego this...
Nickelodeon has unshelled the first official trailer for its all-new 2D animated series Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which follows the band...
Three Animated Projects from the CEE Region Received Support from Creative Europe MEDIA
Among 10 total projects from seven different countries, the regional industry’s growth...
Nickelodeon has revealed the voice cast for its upcoming animated TMNT reimagining, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which will follow all-new adventures...
“Duckface” is getting a whole new meaning, thanks to a new avatar creator launched in anticipation of the brand-new DuckTales animated series. Available on...
The irrepressible creative force commonly known as Lin-Manuel Miranda (creator of Broadway’s Hamilton, composer of Disney's Moana) has joined the voice cast of the...
Disney Europe Middle East & Africa has begun of production on a second series of the action-packed animated comedy, Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja.
Home entertainment streaming outlet Netflix and DreamWorks Animation have announced they will create the first ever Netflix Original Series for young audiences by adapting...
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