The CW announced during its upfront presentation in New York on Thursday that DC Comics character Deathstroke is getting his own animated series for...
Summer is going to start heating up early as Warner Bros. Home Entertainment has announced that feature-length animated adventure VIXEN: The Movie will arrive...
Talented filmmakers from across the globe took home awards at the 2014 World Animation Celebration (WAC) held over the weekend. The event, presented by...
Canadian cable outlet Teletoon's fall lineup includes world premieres of two new Canada-produced series, Dr. Dimensionpants and Chop Chop Ninja, as well as Canadian...
The International Animated Film Society, ASIFA-Hollywood has announced the nominations for the 41st Annual Annie Awards. In the Best Animated Feature category, 2D is...
The bat is officially out of the bag. Warner Bros. announced yesterday that Ben Affleck will portray the Dark Knight in the upcoming Batman-Superman...
Glen Murakami and Mitch Watson chat with us about Beware the Batman, their highly anticipated animated series on Cartoon Network.
While Superman's new incarnation is...
Warner Bros. Television has revealed the slate of new and returning series that will be highlighted on its Comic-Con International events schedule. In addition...
The debut episode of Warner Bros. Animation’s much anticipated new series Teen Titans Go!, which had been a source of controversy among die-hard comic-book...
Opting for road-show presentations to key clients and partners instead of the traditional upfront presentation, Cartoon Network has announced a dozen new productions and...
During its New York City upfront presentation, Cartoon Network announced today several new and returning series to its programming line-up including the world premiere...
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