Paramount Pictures today announced that Ramsey Naito will be leading its animation division as President, Animation & Development, Paramount Animation and Nickelodeon Animation. Mireille...
Coppelia, a sumptuous cinematic experience combining animation and ballet, will be released on all major digital platforms and in a Blu-ray + DVD combo...
New toon town player Spire Animation Studios today announced its next animated feature: Trouble. The film is an original story co-created by writer, actor...
Spire Animation Studios, a new creative voice in animation taking a multidisciplinary approach and bringing together fresh filmmaking voices worldwide, today announced Century Goddess,...
This year's virtually produced telecast of Nickelodeon's Kids' Choice Awards 2020: Celebrate Together, hosted by Victoria Justice (Victorious) on Saturday, May 2, at 8...
Celebrating the birthday of rockabilly style icon and pin-up modeling pioneer Bettie Page (April 22, 1923), Burbank-based Gas Money Pictures has announced its newest...
Nickelodeon today revealed the nominations for the 2020 Kids’ Choice Awards, with an animation category race that shows the enduring popularity of fan-favorite series...
The HFPA presented the 77th Golden Globe award ceremony on Sunday night, kicking the Hollywood awards season into high gear. Ricky Gervais returned to...
The Hollywood Foreign Press came up with a more conventional list of nominees in the Best Animated Feature category this morning. Surprisingly enough, the...
Jon Favreau’s hotly anticipated photoreal recreation of Disney’s The Lion King is ready to roar in theaters nationwide on July 19. Early reviews are...
Hip apparel partners are launching cool new collections inspired by two of Adult Swim/Cartoon Network’s hottest properties, with Rick and Morty x BlackMilk and...
The hotly anticipated 2D revamp Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is premiering on Nickelodeon on September 17 at 6:30 p.m. ET/PT, introducing...
'Black Panther' First Reactions: It's "Astonishing," "Iconic" and "Will Save Blockbusters"
Ryan Coogler's visually stunning, politically savvy entry into the Marvel movieverse had a truly...
Dallas-based new media creative studio Flight School has promoted Jen Cadic to the newly created role of Head of Production, following the successful launch...
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