In what has become an annual tradition at Annecy International Animated Film Festival, Walt Disney Animation Studios returns with a Bonlieu Theater presentation showcasing...
Warner Bros. Animation and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, in partnership with DC, are in production on five new DC Showcase animated shorts for release...
During its investor day on Thursday, The Walt Disney Company revealed the U.S. launch details for its Disney+ streaming service, and a programming lineup...
Super-popular anime brand Crunchyroll has crowned the winners of the third annual Anime Awards, presented by Devil May Cry 5. The event celebrates the...
Sales agency Finecut announced new international deals for the 3D animated feature film Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs, produced by leading Asian animation...
Sony Pictures Animation's superhero shake-up Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse was named the winner of the Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture - Animated at...
Cutting-edge tech solutions creator Unity has been awarded its first Technology & Engineering Emmy Award, for 3D Engine Software for the Production of Animation,...
Comic-book writer, editor, publisher and former editor-in-chief, publisher and chairman of Marvel Comics Stan Lee died early Monday morning at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in...
Netflix will be producing a new CG animated feature film titled Jacob and the Sea Beast, written and directed by Academy Award-winning filmmaker Chris...
Celebrated character designer and illustrator Bobby Chiu (Disney's Alice in Wonderland) and Emerald City Comic Con founder Jim Demonakos are launching LightBox Expo, a...
The summer toon landscape is still sizzling, with the Mouse House revealing all the episode premiere highlights for August across Disney Channel, Disney Junior...
DHX Media announced that the new animated series Mega Man: Fully Charged, an original co-production with Dentsu Entertainment USA, will make its TV premiere...
Fans of Walt Disney Television Animation should save room on their Comic-Con International schedules for some can’t-miss panels featuring cast, creators and crew giving...
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