As moviegoers around the world eagerly await the theatrical rollout of Alberto Vázquez's new animated feature Unicorn Wars (which premiered in Spain in October), the...
We have a new trailer for Unicorn Wars, the latest movie from acclaimed graphic novelist and animation director Alberto Vázquez (Birdboy, Homeless Home, Decorado), which premiered at...
***This article originally appeared in the 35th Anniversary Issue of Animation Magazine (June-July '22, No. 321)***
Fans of Spanish graphic novelist and animation director Alberto Vázquez (Birdboy,...
Your Cartoon Movie Sampler
There are so many amazing features being unveiled at this year’s Cartoon Movie (March 8-10,, and we wish we had...
***This report originally appeared in the March '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 318)***
Despite all our best hopes, 2022 continues to be an uncertain...
Ever since it made its Jury Award-winning premiere at the Annecy Intl. Animation Film Festival last year, Alberto Vázquez’s Homeless Home has been collecting...
The World Festival of Animated Film, taking place in Zagreb June 4-9, has revealed highlights of its Animafest PRO program. This important section covers...
Last week, over 900 international animation producers, directors, distributors, sales agents from 41 different countries gathered in Bordeaux for the 20th edition of the...
The 18th edition of Animated Dreams, taking place Nov. 16-20 in Estonia's fairytale capital Tallinn, has finished narrowing down its 500-plus submissions to 66...
Decorado, the latest short film from Goya Award-winning director Alberto Vazquez (Birdboy, Unicorn Blood), will screen as part of the Cannes Film Festival's Directors...
Taking place June 13-18, the Annecy International Animation Film Festival (accompanied by the MIFA market, June 15-17) will once again offer the very best...
Ignacio Ferreras’ acclaimed movie Arrugas (Wrinkles) received the Best Animated Feature and Best Adapted Screenplay honors at the 26th Spanish Academy Goya Awards this...
The Spanish Academy of Cinematic Art and Science (Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de España) have announced the nominees for the...
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