The prestigious Annecy International Animation Film Festival was host to another warmly received first-look reveal today, as Warner Bros. Animation and New Line Cinema...
Even after our big Animation Lover's Holiday Gift Guide, there were still quite a few notable fall releases and product announcements we couldn't squeeze...
Adult Swim announced today that new anime horror series Housing Complex C will premiere on Toonami, its popular anime programming block, Saturday, October 1 at midnight ET/PT. The...
The nominees for the 50th Saturn Awards for film, television, streaming and home entertainment have been announced. Marvel Studios live-action titles dominated the Film...
Adult Swim celebrates the 25th anniversary of Toonami today (Thursday, March 17)! The programming block first aired on Cartoon Network in 1997 and introduced...
WarnerMedia's anime block Toonami is kicking off the new year with a winter flurry of premieres. The brand's official Facebook page announced that it was...
In response to the new Omicron variant, the Japanese government announced on Nov. 29 that the country will bar all international business and leisure...
Anime NYC powered by Crunchyroll (, one of North America’s largest dedicated anime, manga and Japanese pop culture conventions, will present three days of...
Fandom favorite Chris Pratt is taking on another iconic animated character! Just over a month since the Parks and Recreation, Guardians of the Galaxy ...
Paramount+, the streaming service from ViacomCBS, debuted a first-look clip featuring Hologram Kathryn Janeway, from the upcoming all-new animated kids series Star Trek: Prodigy....
Crunchyroll, the global anime brand, is announcing nearly 30 series today as part of the upcoming anime season including Platinum End, Crunchyroll and Adult...
Warner Bros. announced today that Jason DeMarco has taken on a newly expanded role joining Warner Bros. Animation (WBA) and Cartoon Network Studios (CNS)...
Crunchyroll and Adult Swim revealed more about the highly-anticipated animated series from Alcon Entertainment, Blade Runner: Black Lotus, including new key art and the...
Even far from the human crush, Tolkien-esque quests across Hall H and late nights plotting a panel schedule strategy, the virtual Comic-Con@Home still kept...
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